Brent Boland
The songs that I write and sing are born of this idea that a person has to endure in order to celebrate. How many times in life have you found that your own personal breakthroughs have come at the tail end of a difficult time in life? For me, it is rarely the case that I have any kind of meaningful progress without enduring some kind of difficulty leading up to that progress. It can often be a tight rope performing songs about hard times or loss while at the same time working to instill a sense of good feeling, positivity & community, but it is so rewarding.
I have worked hard to incorporate perspectives into my songs that ask you as a listener to take a hard look at the subject and what they believe is best for themselves. It is difficult to see someone work in a way that you believe to be counter to what they truly need, but isn't it often the case that the goals that we believe that others should have are not anything like the goals that they may have for themselves. It is so hard to do, but so important to keep in mind as we navigate the relationships in our lives.
When it comes right down to it, we all want to connect, empathize and feel like a part of something, even if it is for a brief moment each day. While I love to write and to play, my goal is to be there to provide that opportunity for connection, empathy or to be a part of something, whether that is over the course of an entire evening or just briefly in the chorus of a song. If that sounds sappy, maybe it is, but we are all better when we are together.