

With groove-rich rhythms, layered vocals, and a psychedelic-edged aesthetic, Serpentine creates a feel that’s mesmerizing and surreal.  A little bit Jefferson Airplane, Mazzy Star, Donovan... 

Here’s what fans and reviewers are saying:

A sound that’s magical.

Reminiscent of the 60’s. I want to hear more of it!

Made the hair on my arms stand up!  I'm 61 and smiling!

I love it!  Trippy eerie.

The song 'Hemlock' is a groove-lovers dream.

Serpentine is on the air waves in the US including stattions KRFC and Indie 102.3 (Serpentine is one of their featured local bands for December), and getting regular radio play in Sweden and Canada.  Stan Hillborn, a DJ out of Toronto (98.5 FM, CKWR) says this about their music:

“Brilliant.  The slide guitar adds an ethereal under pinning, bubbling up and gurgling coming up for air.  The sitar adds another layer of mystic mesmerizing mystique... 

Serpentine features Kathleen Jones (vocals and guitar), David Kimmel (bass and vocals), Joe Ritter (drums)/Martin Poole (drums). Listen at