Musician Support Group Hosted By Yarrow Collective

Join us for lunch and a conversation to discuss the ups and downs of working in music. Strategies and support systems for navigating the music industry as a musician and everything that comes along with it

The Yarrow Collective is a nonprofit offering peer support for folks struggling with mental health and/or substance use, all facilitated by those who have "been there." The peer support we offer is rooted in the Intentional Peer Support and Alternatives to Suicide models that emerged from the Mad Pride / Psychiatric Survivor movement. During this session, we'll talk a little about who we are, how we facilitate groups, set some group agreements, and open the floor for you to share about what's weighing on your heart and how you navigate mental health and being a musician.


Silen Wellington (they/he) is a sculptor of sound, artist of people, gender liminal shapeshifter, mercurial name collector, restless poet, and storyteller, among other things. They found their way to wholeness and self-love through mostly "alternative" means, namely: guided rites of passage journeys, performance art, unhinged-unfettered-unapologetic dance, and connections with fiercely humble Elders & mentors who shared some of Silen's marginalized identities. Silen has have lived experience with suicidality, self harm, psychiatric diagnosis, oppression, and more. Silen is passionate about peer support because it asks How do you make sense of your story? and empowers each individual to find meaning in the ways most useful to them. Outside the world of peer support, Silen is a musician, composer and performance artist, and is no stranger to the woes of gig work, pushing back against the trope of the suffering artist, endlessly putting himself out there, and navigating the existential currents of being an artist in these times. Silen hopes you will join us to dive deep into their two favorite conversation topics — mental health and music!

Ashleigh Jones (she/her) has lived in Fort Collins for the past 10 years. She is the mother of 2 wonderful children that are the joy of her life. Ashleigh has lived experience with life interrupting substance use, childhood trauma, eating disorders, self-harm and is a suicide attempt survivor. She also has lived experience with both the foster care system and the criminal justice system. Ashleigh has been a peer support worker for over 2 years. During her time as a peer worker, she has found her voice as an advocate and an activist. Ashleigh is passionate about peer support in its truest form: the beautiful connection between folks who are struggling and those who have had similar lived experiences.