Sunrise Daydream
We're a rock band originally from Brighton, CO. We got started when we were in high school, we're now all in college attending CSU!! A few of our more prominent venues include Black Buzzard, Herman's Hideaway and Cheyenne Frontier Days up in Wyoming. We've also played multiple times on CSU's campus and around other fun events in FoCo, including the summer Food Truck Rally and this incredible festival, FoCoMX! People are often surprised by our sound, especially due to our lack of a guitarist. We've found plenty of interesting ways to get around that missing sound though without our music feeling empty. We also have a huge range of music genres that we perform, leading to a super diverse set. Being young, it's a bit hard to break into the music scene, especially when Colorado has so many talented artists, but we are doing what we love every time we perform and hope we can share our talents with many more people. Stick with us to see how much we grow, and how surprising we can be!